From website visitors to paying customers, with Active Campaign

Automation can save a lot of time, effort and money if you are a small business entrepreneur! Are you interested in finding out how to generate interest, increase sales and grow your business, while nurturing each customer? Active Campaign can do just that for you, with the proper settings and through personalized funnels. Read the article below to learn how you can do it by yourself in just a few minutes!
Let’s take for example a small software development company and create the user’s path right from the moment he visits the company’s website to the moment of his first purchase. What you’ll need to do is to help the user find the answers to his questions quickly and then guide him to the appropriate service or solution that best suits his needs!
1. Prepare a compelling lead magnet
You can anticipate some of the general problems they may be facing by simply doing online research and looking for frequently asked questions on dedicated forums, Google, social media, or any other channel your user might be active on. After doing the research you will be able to prepare a guide answering to some of his problems, which can translate to establishing a more familiar connection through this freebie. If you want to go further and have more advanced filtering, you can prepare different downloadable materials related to each service you provide, to better segment your audience and its needs.
But let’s take things step-by-step and discover how a small software company can turn their website visitors into paying customers by guiding the user throughout his journey. We’ll use a generic “Complete Website Checklist” as a lead magnet.
2. Following the user’s website path means you’re there for him at any step of the way
User’s first website visit => after a few seconds a pop-up window appears and encourages the user to download a free Complete Website Checklist.
Scenario 1 – User enters his email and receives the free guide instantly with ActiveCampaignUser downloads the free guide => user gets tagged “Requested Free Guide” to trigger the automation
What this automation does is to send a follow-up email to the user with the link to download his free guide and to confirm the subscription to the latest news in software development.
Your email message can be something like this:
“Subject: Congratulations, you are one step away from having a website that converts leads into customers!
Hi, From website visitors to paying customers, with Active Campaign
Below, you can find your Complete Website Checklist [insert here your freebie name] that will help you verify if your website is having all the ingredients needed to turn leads into sales! [tell them as clear as possible how this guide could solve one of their problems]
First, please confirm your subscription to our newsletter and join our community. We will provide you with useful information, tips and tricks, and offers in order for you to grow your online business faster than before!
You made the right choice, download the Complete Website Checklist!
Did you receive this email by mistake? No worries, you will not be subscribed to the newsletter unless you click on the confirmation link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [insert contact email].”
Scenario 2 – User closes the pop-up window that offered him the free Complete Website Checklist
You can install a messenger bot on your website and track the path of the user. Then use the information to automatically ask him in real time whether he needs more information about the subject on the web page he is on. Use compelling copy!
Example: User is on the Website Maintenance Packages web page => Inform him about the 10% off deal on all your Website Maintenance Packages
If the user replies to the bot, send an automatic reply with the information requested and add a CTA button to subscribe to your latest news, receiving a free Complete Website Checklist.
When the user clicks on the subscribe button, start an automation when “Requested Free Guide” tag is added to a new lead and funnel:
=> Send confirmation email
Wait 7 days
=> Send new article to the user
Wait 1 day
=> Send email to the user to ask if he has any further questions about the subject in the former email; use predefined questions for the user to choose from so you can track what information he needs
Wait 1 day
=> Send questions to answer and add a CTA button to offer a service according to his question
If the user does not reply to the messenger bot, what you can do is to track the web pages he accesses and set up a pop-up window to offer the free Complete Website Checklist or specific deals on your services.
When the user clicks on the download the free Complete Website Checklist button, the automation above applies. If he chooses to click on the deal button, create automation to start monetizing.
3. Measure, analyze, and adapt according to your findings
It’s important to measure performance throughout the processes and to optimize constantly. In the specific example we discussed before, these are the metrics you need to analyze:
- Number of users on the website, in a specific timeframe, in comparison to number of the free Complete Website Checklist downloads
- The open rate of the subscription email in comparison to the number of the free Complete Website Checklist download requests
- The open rate of the new article email in comparison to the number of subscribers
- The open rate of the further questions email in comparison to the number of subscribers
- The click rate of the links in the further questions email
- The click rate of the CTA button which offers a service according to the user’s question
- Number of service purchases in comparison to the number of subscribers