
How to turn leads into subscribers with ActiveCampaign — STOICA

Written by Natalia Dărăbăneanu | 5 May 2019

Is automation the tool you’ve needed all along? Yes, even if you may not realize it yet, because automation takes care of the tasks no one has time for, those both time and effort consuming, repetitive tasks.

Forget about your old newsletter platforms; automation helps you track and target your leads more accurately, making it easier for you to segment and send the right information they want and need, nurturing your relationship in a more intimate and personal way.

Moreover, that’s what turns leads into subscribers, subscribers into customers, customers into advocates! Imagine you can have all that by working with one platform and in just a few steps.

Turning leads into subscribers on an online platform

Say you have an online platform, such as a blog, a community of specialists, and you want to increase your engagement. Also, maybe go even further, turning your subscribers into customers. How can you best use ActiveCampaign to reach your goals?

Create tags in ActiveCampaign for each section of your business you want to improve. For example, for an e-commerce shop, you can choose to ask for feedback from three main categories:

1. Increase your awareness

What you’ll want to do is set up a couple of hooks on your online platform, which will attract the attention of your users.

Start by collecting data about the most visited pages on your platform, using a tracking code from Active Campaign, and then implement the hooks on those:

  • An online form through which the users can subscribe to receiving the newest information
  • A “subscribe to our newsletter” CTA button
  • An “ask our specialists” online form through which users can find out customized information
  • A 30 days subscription trial to your newest products, actions, services

2. Spark the interest

You will need your users to become subscribers if they are to engage more. Therefore, no matter which hooks you will use, always implement a “subscribe to our newsletter” CTA button!

Once the user shared his email address, it’s time to start building your relationship.

3. Create a desire

For example, if a user filled out the “ask our specialists” online form, the ActiveCampaign funnel comes into play.

The user receives an instant email with ActiveCampaign and gets tagged “requested specialist information.”

“Subject: We are here for you! Soon with the info you need!
Hi, How to turn leads into subscribers with ActiveCampaign
Thank you for expressing your interest in finding out more from our specialists!
We are a team of passionate specialists, aiming to [insert according to your business] and create an active, more aware and happy community of like-minded people. Join us and help develop [enter according to your business].
You will have all the information requested by tomorrow. Keep in touch!

If you have any questions or concerns until then, please contact us at [insert contact email]”

4. Call to action

Use ActiveCampaign to create a deal for every user that completes this form and add it to a specific deal stage. Continue sending personalized information to nurture the relationship.

Start automation when “requested specialist information” tag adds to a new lead and funnel:
24 hours after filling the form
=> Send the information requested
Five days after the details required sent
=> Send an email to the user with more info regarding his subject of interest. Explain your platform’s actions regarding the matter and ask him to join, offering links. Once the user clicks on one of the links, ActiveCampaign makes it easy to track him based on his interest.
24 hours after clicking the link
=> Send detailed information about that specific action and encourage the user to join the discussion on your platform

Sounds good? We’ll make it even more appealing with ActiveCampaign’s pre-built automation, personalizing your data and start engaging!

Automation recipe – when things get really interesting

An automation recipe is pre-built automation that serves a specific goal. ActiveCampaign offers automation recipes which save time and effort so you can focus on more critical tasks. All you have to do is to import the pre-built automation in your ActiveCampaign account and start!

Automation recipes are templates which can be customized according to your needs and can attract new customers or track the leads up to the “ready to purchase” stage.

For example, an online platform could increase its user engagement and even turn leads into customers by sending information about a new product, giving out free samples of products or targeting a specific group and sending out emails about a particular product’s benefits for them.