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How we helped The Synergist reach over one million people during Safe Motherhood Week 2019 [Case Study]

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The Synergist has been our partner for the past four years, and one of their flagship campaigns is Safe Motherhood Week. The initiative aims to increase access to high-quality information and maternal care in Europe.

The 2019 edition advocated for “Accessibility to Quality Maternal Care and Safe Medication”. 

This is a pressing topic, given that over 5 million women get pregnant every year in Europe, but information on the use of medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding is fragmented, open to interpretation, or sometimes non-existent.

Safe Motherhood Week 2019 consisted of a live event, a survey to better understand women’s needs for information & access to healthcare, as well as sustained engagement with over 120 relevant organizations and individuals from the maternal health ecosystem. 


  • Reach 1 million people online
  • Double # of users and organizations involved, compared to the previous edition
  • Have at least 100 responses to the survey

One of the main goals of Safe Motherhood Week 2019 was to reach at least 1 million people online, both mothers to be or healthcare professionals. The more people we could reach with our message, the higher chances of increasing access to information.

Another goal was gathering at least 100 survey responses from future moms, to be able to understand their information needs during pregnancy. Lastly, The Synergist aimed at doubling the number of organizations involved compared to the previous edition.

The Challenge

Grabbing the attention of the two audiences, healthcare professionals and soon to be mothers is no easy task. Getting them involved and motivating them to take the survey is even more difficult. So the main challenges posed by this campaign was how to reach and engage these two audiences.

The Solution

Our team was in charge of bringing to life the creative concept of Safe Motherhood Week: we designed the visual assets and created the copy, developed web assets (landing page, visuals, content), and set tracking events and created custom reports to measure performance. 

The Process

Our process for implementing Safe Motherhood Week 2019 was pretty straightforward: from understanding the goals of this campaign and targeted audiences, to creating different creatives routes to implementation.

Step 1. Prepare 3 creatives routes to envision the concept

Step 2. Draft landing page & declinations (visuals, support messages)

Step 3. Make sure we track the most important KPIs (page views, button clicks)

Step 4. Deploy. Go live. Enjoy. Celebrate success.



Creative route 1. The duality between being blessed and being overwhelmed

Concept: Motherhood changes everyone who experiences it. From a woman’s perspective, it can be exhausting & inspiring, energy-draining & purpose-giving, all at the same time.



Creative route 2. The anxiety of becoming a mother in an unsafe environment

Concept: Every minute 250 women become mothers, being unwillingly exposed to high risks. While it should be a blessing, motherhood quickly turns into a struggle.



Creative route 3. Women need support in order to have a balanced and safe motherhood

Concept: Shaping the future of a child is the toughest job anyone can have. She needs to feel safe and protected in order to give all her best. 



Campaign landing page



Digital assets



Use cases of digital assets




  • 1,701,746 people reached (200% growth compared to 2018)
  • 277,395 social media engagements (5000% growth compared to 2018)
  • 570 responses to the survey
  • 120 global organizations and individuals engaged
  • 60 experts engaged (Researchers, Healthcare Professionals, Academics, Advocates)

About The Synergist

The Synergist is an independent, neutral backbone, engine, and incubator bringing together complementary stakeholders to focus on, and benefit from, solving societal issues. Through a collaborative leadership approach, leading from behind together WITH key people, organizations, and institutions – The Synergist is specialized in making societal systems more efficient and complete.

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Kind words from our client

Working with Stoica team is always a positive experience. The speed and accuracy of delivery, doubled by a positive and supportive working relationship make any collaboration a breeze. The quality of the work always excellent and impactful.  In the case of this campaign we started with a clear idea of the need, and with the challenge to quickly develop a creative concept and supporting materials that would deliver a strong message, whilst maintaining a premium, minimalist look. The challenge was conveying urgency and engaging complex audiences without using a negative or dramatic approach. The timeline for delivery was short, but with close collaboration and an open attitude from Stoica team we manage to have everything ready in due time. 

The numbers speak for themselves and given the limited advertising budget, the success of the campaign speaks volumes about its quality & approach.

Roxana Radu, Communication Manager